Head Back Home

Day 4: Late Morning. The forest at the Hidden Cave’s entrance.
Season Finale: The party walks back home with Greystone and attempts to find closure with everything that has gone on. Before calling it a night, they drop by the Last Stop Tavern to pick up some dinner and then head back to the mansion where they reminisce on the first night they all met.
* Vartan – voiced by Adam Culbertson
* Baya Rustin – voiced by Tisha
* Ovyck – voiced by Chris Johnson
* DM – Nico Rodriguez
Website: www.etherealembracepodcast.com
Patreon subscription available for ad-free or complete 28 episode series. www.patreon.com/afoolsquest
Music provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com
Art is provided by Expat. www.facebook.com/ExpatArt87
Ethereal Embrace is an A Fool’s Quest LLC production.
Ethereal Embrace is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.